Friday, May 23, 2014

Hagan Stone Park - 4

Thursday was wash day, so we loaded up all our dirty clothes and headed to a coin laundry. Ever wonder why women have more dirty cloths then men, the things that make you say Hummmmm!! We spotted a new coin laundry one day while we were out and decided to give it a try, We don't have a washer and dryer in our RV, a lot of the newer ones do, but not us, Charlotte has said she's not sure if she would want one, she likes to get it all done in as little time as possible and this is nearly impossible in an RV. I think most people do a little bit each day so they can keep caught up.

We got the laundry done and them headed back to the campground. Later on in the day we got an invitation for dinner at my sister Bobbie's house. When we arrived that afternoon she had fried chicken, mixed vegetables and potato salad. For desert we had strawberry cobbler with whipped cream, yummy!!!. Let me tell you about the potato salad she fixed, it's my mom's receipt. When she served it and I took the first bite it seemed as good as when mom used to make it, in fact there were second and even third serving before leaving the table. I need to get the recipe from her before we leave. After supper we just sat around and watched a little TV while waiting on April to pick up her daughter Hayden. April finally arrived, her and Hayden were going uptown to Greensboro to attend a Beach Music in the Park. Every Thursday they have Beach Music performed by different groups in an outdoor park ( kinda neat )! About 9pm we said our goodbyes and headed back to the RV.

Friday morning Charlotte scheduled an appointment with April to get her nails done around 10. April would not let her pay for the appointment telling her it was her birthday present (June 4th).  What a surprise!!! Mysti and I stayed around the campground and while Charlotte was gone we broke camp and went over to dump our tanks. After this was completed we again set up the RV. Charlotte got back and we had a chicken salad sandwich for lunch.

In the afternoon we went over to Providence Friends Meeting, the grave site of Charlotte's dad, and put American flags on his grave and her uncles graves. All had served in the military and this was to honor them on Memorial Day. All of the Whitley men served in WWII and all returned home unharmed! Amazing!!!

Tonight we couldn't decide where we wanted to eat so we just decided to eat here. We had purchased some Neeses Country Sausage earlier in the week, so I cooked it, eggs scrambled with green pepper and onions, grits and tomatoes for supper, boy was it good ! The rest of the night we relaxed after cleaning up the dishes.

More to follow

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