Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hagan Stone Park

We made surprise visits to all the family members and we've had a great time so far. Being around family just seems so right and we both are welcoming the opportunity. Most of our activities have centered around visiting and of course eating.

In the afternoon we met some campers that were parked next to us and after talking a little while one of the ladies said she knew some Saunders from Greensboro. She asked me if I knew Argie and Lillian Saunders, WOW, I told her that that was my uncle and aunt, Argie was my dad's brother. We talked some more about this and come to find out that Lillian was her aunt and she knew all my cousins which would also be her cousins!!! I really need to buy that lotto ticket. Now what are the odds of meeting one of my cousins (Doris) and them meeting a distant cousin (Shirley) at the same campground on the same weekend?, I really need to buy that lotto ticket!!!

In the afternoon we went to visit my older sister Sylvia and her husband Otis, again no announcement, just knocked on the door. After hugs all around we went inside and got started on getting caught up. We had been there a little while when Deborah their daughter ( my niece ) came in with our great-great nephew and niece Gabe and Lily. They had been at Hagan Stone Park at the playground. We sat around and talked a little more and then Gabe and Lily put on a demonstration of Tae Quan Do. Gabe's working on getting his black belt and Lily her green belt, not bad for a 9 and 5 year old boy and girl !!

On Friday night the campground began filling up in the afternoon as people arrived for the "bluegrass festival" that was being held on Saturday. My niece Sherri and her husband Terry came over after buying a bright yellow Mazda Miata for her " mid life crisis" ::)) We walked around the campground and listened as there were several different bands playing throughout the night, at times there were bands playing at each end. All in all it was fun and the music was different than we usually listen to, but we like all different kinds of music and this was something new for both of us. We fell asleep with the sound of bluegrass music being played through out the campground.

On Saturday morning we had the opportunity to attend soccer games that two of of great nieces were playing. In the early game we watched Hayden and in the second game we watched Alex, both had good games. After the game we stayed around and watched as they got trophies for the season.

In the afternoon we went out to eat with my nephew Chuck, his wife Loretta and their kids, Krystal and Kim. It just felt so natural to be with them and after dinner we ended up at their house to play cards, wow, where did the time go as it was close to midnight before we got in bed.

More to come!

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