Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hagan Stone Park - 7

On Sunday I had been invited to play golf on Monday ( Memorial Day ) with Percy and Chuck. I told them sure, but it's been over 3 years since I had played. Even after this confession they still wanted me to go. It was decided that Percy would come by the campground and pick me up around 7:45am and we would meet Chuck at his house when he got home from the fire station. Percy called me around 7:15 and asked if I wanted a biscuit from Bo Jangles, he said a biscuit was calling to him. I asked him to pick me up a country ham biscuit. When he arrived we went over to Chucks house to wait for him. After arriving, Percy open the bag and there was his biscuit and a biscuit for Chuck, but they had left out my country ham biscuit. We searched the car just to make sure it hadn't fallen out, but it was still at Bo Jangles, both Percy and Chuck offered to share, but I declined  ( I had been eating to much and really didn't need it ). Now you know why it's important to look in the bag before leaving the drive thru window when ordering take out.

We arrived at the golf course and Percy had borrowed his son's golf clubs for me to use ( thanks Davis!! ). We had a great time on the golf course and I played much, much better then I could ever hoped for. At the end of the day Chuck had shot a 87, Percy a 91 and I had a 93. After a 3 year lay off I was surprised, guess I got rid of any bad habits I had. This outing reminded me of when we used to live in Greensboro, Percy and I used to play golf just about every Saturday with other friends.

Chuck and I had a cook out at Angie's house that was to start at 2pm and we didn't finish playing golf until 1:45. We rushed home as fast as we could and after stopping at Chucks house to pick up a few things we arrived at Angie's house around 2:30, a little late ( sorry!!). I had called Charlotte on the way and asked her to bring me a shirt, deodorant, changed of underwear, figured I'd wash off a little and spruce up for everyone., not everyone like the smell of sweat! Everyone had a good time, there was swimming for those that wanted to and just sitting around talking with family. We got the opportunity to meet Bacon, Pork-chop and Miss Piggy. Austin is hoping to breed Pork-chop and Miss Piggy who are small pot belly pigs and sell them. Bacon is a large pig he's raising to show at the fair, we'll see how that goes. We met Alex's guinea pig and a new addition to the clan, a ferret owned by Jordan. Dixie their small dog went around greeting everyone as they came in. While this was going on Tim ( Angie's husband ) cooked the hot dogs and hamburger for everyone to eat. Great job Tim, they were delicious as was everything else, especially the cakes and home made strawberry ice cream !!!!!

After the party we went back to the RV and fed Mysti her supper. While there we spent a little time with her and then we went to Chuck and Loretta's  to play some cards. We were introduced to Kim's boyfriend Callen, he seemed very nice and everyone seems to like him.We all enjoy playing Shanghai rummy ( a game we used to play when camping at the lake ). It's to complicated to explain how it's played, but if interested you can find the rules on the Internet. After cards we went back to the campground and retired for the night. A very, very enjoyable day and night !!!

More to come!

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