Friday, May 30, 2014

Hagan Stone Park - 8

Tuesday morning we decided to leave as planned on Wednesday and travel to Crossville, Tennessee. This decision was made after wavering back and forward on if we should leave or stay longer. We had already stayed over an extra week and it was a hard decision to make since we've had a great two weeks visiting with our family.

After we made the decision Charlotte wanted to go do laundry so all our cloths would be clean. We gathered up everything and headed to the laundry. It took us about 1 1/2 hours to wash and dry everything. After this were stopped and ate lunch at a little Japanese rest before going to the campground.

In the afternoon April and Hayden came by after work for a visit. Just before they got there the bottom fell out, boy did it rain for about 30 minutes. Earlier in our visit I had told Hayden that she needed to draw me a picture of our RV, so she kept reminding her mom about the drawing. After they had been here for a while she took out her pencils, crayons, markers and begin to draw the inside of our RV. When she had finished she went outside ( the rain had stopped ) and sit on a table and drew the outside of the RV on the back the paper showing the inside. We had 2 drawing from a young and talented artist on the same piece of paper. We went inside and she then taped the drawing to our refrigerator. After this we got a BIG hug and kiss from Hayden and April and they had to leave as they were going to celebrate Fred's birthday ( Hayden's dad, April's husband )

We stopped by Peggy's house to pick up one of our bicycles that we had left in her garage when we first arrived in Pleasant Garden. We visited with her for a while before leaving. During this visit I started to have doubts about leaving on Wednesday, but only said something to Charlotte after we had
left. After leaving Peggy's we made a stop at Bobbie's to see her and Marvin to say good by to them. We ended up staying longer then we had planned ( sorry Marvin to keep you up! ). We had every
intentions of trying to get around to everyone to say good by, but WOW, how the time seems to fly by!

When we left Bobbie's and Marvin's we realized we hadn't eaten since lunch and it was now after 10pm. We went to McDonald's, picked up some food and took it back to the RV to eat. On the way there the " check tire light lit up on the dash", great! I looked and it said that we had a tire with the air pressure at 23lbs, should be at least 30. I pulled into the Shell station in Pleasant Garden to pump some air in it. I filled the tire up to the 30 lbs and we drove to the campground. We finally sit down and ate our food around 10:30pm. I told Charlotte if the tire was down in the morning we weren't leaving, we had to be sure the tire was okay before moving on to Tennessee. A little after 11pm we finally got in bed. To my surprise I had a good nights sleep, didn't even thing about the tire.

More to come!

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